Tuesday, January 07, 2003

I wrote a poem today. Woo hoo aren't you all so excited that you can't wait to read it? Oh I know you are screaming at me. Give us the damn link Bob so we may be forever changed by the content of your dabbling of muse. But you have to wait my friends, because I know in all of this it is only a speckle of dust in time. My life's value would have to be measured with a nuetron counter. I hope to at least add a page to the history of life. Not that it would be a big deal to have my name and ugly mug in some book listing my accomplishments, but a nice one-lined sentence in the book of time would be rather swell. In this little merryment of a short contribution to the webs overflow of poetry I look upon life with a different perspective. Heh I sound like some damn professor who thinks he knows what he is talking about. Bah.

The newest poem from the inner sanctum of my brain.

Did it have you reaching for your head to scratch it? It did for me. As they say while you are sitting on the pot, this too shall pass...


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