Saturday, May 05, 2007


This summer boasts many returns to the big screen in part three of who knows how many. Last night I saw the first of the many blockbusters that are due out this summer, Spidey 3. I have a mixed reaction to the movie. I think it dragged on a bit playing out the whole Mary Jane and Peter Parker relationship, but it was neat to see that in the end the three friends were together.

I also have to be reminded that it is based on a comic book. Sometimes trying to be too true to the comic can make it corny at times. I cringed at some of the other actors in the movie. Especially when the news team gave 'live' reports.

The guy who plays Sandman got buff for the movie. I remember him on Wings a LONG time ago and he was pretty scrawny. He has some muscle in his arms for this movie. Then again it could be visually enhanced.

All in all I didn't feel cheated for the money I paid. It wasn't the be all, end all movie, but it was a good time. And the humor they added from time to time helped as well although I did like the 'bad' Peter Parker than the overly nice guy. Heh.

Shriek 3 and Pirates is coming out yet this month. I'm really looking forward to Pirates and if the trailer they played was any indication, the audience applauded for it. I think that's going to be the 'BIG' movie this summer. That is if they can pull it off. We are thinking of dressing up in our pirate duds for that movie. Although I don't know if I can sit in a movie seat with my sword stretched out in front of me. (Quiet you with the dirty minds!)

cya laterz