Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Heh. I was goofing around the 'net and found this link Flyguy
Check it out, its kind of funny and cute.

I think I need to come up with some secial things for this blog. Of course I always have my twizzlesticks website. Guess I'll have to wing some things together. mmmm...wings...

Have you ever gone Blog Hoppin'? Find a blog, start reading it, then jump to their links page and all of a sudden you are reading Blogs from all sorts of people? Sometimes when I begin to read them I sense so much of life that I have missed. That might be one of the reasons why I'm anxious to move onwards. I'm not sure, but I do believe I haven't lived very much nor done many things I've wanted to do or try.

Why the heck am I up so late? *sigh*

I suppose I better wander over towards the bed and sleep.

Sleep, it feels so good when you do it, but I think about all the time it wastes. Just think what I could do with all that extra time! But as I spend day after day with only 4-5 hours of sleep it catches up to me. I'm grumpy and self-loathing. Then I get inside my head and bitch-slap myself for a myriad of stupid reasons.

Ever play Battlefield 1942? EA Games released a mod so you can play a modern day (Desert Combat) version on the same game. Totally free! So I've taken my time up with that a little bit. The weapons are neat, but you die much quicker. It is fun to play the game multiplayer.

More junk tomorrow.
*kisses* to those who want them

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