Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Hrm....Wine, maybe I should get drunk all the time like the great writers. Drugs inspire dontcha know? Nah, I can't find myself to do that. Drinking alone isn't fun.

"Kisses through the phone" I remember writing it, but I can't seem to find it. I might have it on a back up CD someplace, but for the life of me I cannot find it. If anyone has it can they email it to me please? *smile*

I'm not so certain that I have the lack of ideas, but the confidence to sit down and write something people will enjoy. Bah. Not everything I write is all that wonderful so don't go there. I read Hemmingway's book "The Garden of Eden" a few weeks ago. It is quite a book espicially written in its time, of course I enjoyed it because it had an interesting sexual side to it all. However there were many other main ideals to the story. It is amazing the characters he created with such depth. I've always enjoyed his writing when I read him in high school and college, so easy to read, yet so powerful.
Anyways the main character of the book is a writer. I enjoy seeing how writers protray their own craft and the nuiances they give to the characters that do write.

I still enjoy that Anne Rice Book the most. Gawd what was it called, about the older artist who gets captivated by the young woman. "Belinda", thanks oh powerful Google. That book confirms the desire I can have and yet most people don't get that someone can feel so much for someone. Could you imagine being in love with someone so deeply they stir your soul to create things you never thought you could ever attempt?

Nothing gets done by talking about it.

Less mouth more work.


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