Saturday, November 26, 2005

Thanksgiving is only overshadowed by Black Friday. Funny how the USA terms the busiest shopping day after an event that lead to one of the darkest periods in our nation's history. But oh well what are you going to do? Well I stayed in and worked on my new writing website. I revamped how I'm displaying my poetry and stories. It isn't finished yet, but check it out here: Bob's poetry and short stories.

I thikn it will be pretty cool when I am completely finished. I'm also hoping by going over some of my own stuff it will inspire me to continue a story or create a new one. I've probably spent way too much time on this little project as it is, but it has taught me some valuable things for work so it has had its benefits.

I need a shower....raises his eyes up...I wonder...nah nevermind (snickers at his own nasty thoughts...)

outta here

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