Thursday, December 12, 2002

Soem time to actually put some thoughts down on electronic paper! Woo hoo! I'm bushed. I'm playing basketball twice a day Tues-Thursday for the past couple of weeks and I can tell I'm getting older, because my body takes longer to recover. I enjoy Wed. nights because I get out of the house and have an hour and a half before I play BB to write. The last couple of weeks I've taken a notebook (paper not computer) and wrote myself silly. Last week I wrote 3.5 pages and yesterday I got in 4 solid pages!

I'm not sure where the story is going to go, but the characters are taking shape in my head. I'm trying so hard to turn off my internal critic and write. I know if I start thinking about how good/bad it may or may not be, the story seems to fade and I lose interest. I believe that is another reason why I need to keep writing hard on it. Teach me the self-disclipine of writing through the editoral mood swings. Right now no one else will see it until I'm finished and I can change the heck out of it when ever I want too. When I'm done, then I can poo-poo it or brazen it as the next classic of literature (hehe). I guess I should hope for getting published at this point.


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