Monday, February 09, 2004

Four months since I've posted anything here. I'm a little doubtful anyone will check to see if this still exists, but I'm not doing it for anyone other than myself. If you, my dear reader, find this along your web surfing adventers then let me warn you of the content below. Grissle. The tough hard look at my inner self undaunted by anyones ideas of who I should or shouldn't be.

But this too shall pass.

The horse is dead and buried. The topics I broached in previous posts months ago are history. I'm looking for change and a better life. Work is going well and I'm busy. I think I could get busier, but to be honest it isn't all that important to me other than to provide me and my kids what we need to live until I marry that someone special I have.

I'll write more, but suffice it to say. I've found everything I've wanted. Now I have to be patient (insert doctor joke here).


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