Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Right now I'm pushing the rock up the hill. I want to write, but I'm waiting for my subconscious to catch up with my urgency and tell my conscious mind where to continue on with the story I already have. Meanwhile I have been to some great websites as I prime my mind. Orson Scott Card has a great site with a lot of columns that are quite interesting to read ( a blog without the fancy name!). You know who Mr Card is don't you? He wrote Enders game a while back that blew my mind. While reading this site he linked me to another site which is funnier, but I haven't had the time to really read. Eric Snider is a humor columnist of a Utah newspaper and it is amazing that Utah isn't a country of its own. Between the two of these guys you really get a perspective of how different the cultures are in the US.

These last two entries should be one post, but I had problems posting and publishing it this morning.


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