Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Chuck Norris. What is the freaking humor in this? If you haven't heard about the latest internet fad, check this site out. I can see a little bit of humor of this, but this is spreading around the 'Net faster than a virus. Well I'm beginning to believe this is becoming the new type of virus, but there isn't a software fix for it. I can't find a Chuck Norris setting on my firewall to block the stupid jokes.

Last Monday when I was at basketball, one of the guys started to spout the Chuckisms. I couldn't believe it. I suspect it will run its course like the pet rock did back in the day. I certainly hope so, because if this is what passes for humor these days, then I'm thinking our society is in sorry shape. Whatever happened to the good ol' days when Jim Carey talked out of his ass....Well maybe we've never been in great shape....

cya laterz

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