Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Its about that time of year again I suppose. Over the past few years it takes a lot more to get into the spirit of the season. I'm not sure if it is because people expect me to buy them gifts or that I wait until the last possible moments to start buying the gifts. Most of it all seems pretty assine to me. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy getting loved ones things they want, but can't afford to get for themselves. The problem is that I want to be creative and original and get that perfect gift. When you ask them what they want so you can have clue about what they are thinking about you get the standard response, "I don't know."

Exasperated you delve deeper into the conversation. "I suppose I could always use a new pair of shoes." Shoes? Oh my goodness! I can't wait to see their face when they open that shoebox up and find out that yes Virgina it is a pair of shoes. Joy to the world and all that jazz. I'll sit back and feel smug that I was able to choose the one thing they told me they wanted.

The art of gift giving is more than that I believe. Sure you can take a list of things they want, mark them off as you buy them as watch as they glee over each item they asked for, but where is the sanity in that? Why not give them x amount of dollars and let them buy it themselves? It takes more than that for me to get in the mood of buying gifts, but even then I fail at my own spirit of gift giving espicially when I'm low on time. To me its finding out what thing(s) a person is into and then finding gifts that really compliment them and yet things they may not be able to find themselves or realize is available to them. If you love the person, I think it is worth the time and trouble to find those perfect gifts...

Two quick side notes. One I'm working on a new format for my twizzlesticks site so I can dynamically load the pages into the book so it is faster to add content, but I'm not sure when I'm going to have that done. Secondly, I've actually started a new story, I hope I will have enough effort to complete it.

cya laterz

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