Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Wow it has been a while since I've posted here. Maybe because I've been procastinating with my own writing and too ashamed to say anything here about it. I've created a couple of poems, but they don't make much sense. I think they are too oblique for anyone but myself. Life seems humdrum, but I'm busy. Go figure. I really need to write more often, but I'm usually wondering what the point is, no one wants to hear it. *sigh*

I finished Hobb's first book. It was good. A lot more political debate than I realized, but I enjoyed it. It makes me wonder how a writer keeps all that straight. I'm thinking it is an illusion and that the twists and turns come up while she/he writes the first draft. I think that is how it goes, but for a book(s) like these you have to becareful and realize what everyone is up too at the same time. A difficult task.


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