Monday, April 17, 2006


I wish it was about the TV show, but I have to admit even as much hype as it has gotten, I haven't watched a single episode. In fact in the past few months I've sort of wondered away from about everything. Nothing excites me anymore. Any creative spark has long since vanished. Much like my posting on this thing. I'm not sure why.

I've thought about producing a couple of video -casts. They are much like the podcasts you can download off of iTunes, but of course they are video. The problem is that I'm having a hard time coming up with a unique subject that isn't getting talked about to death. Funny how when I was a kid or young adult, all this geeky stuff was unique to a few people. Now everyone is a geek or a nerd and they like it. *sigh* Topics that I'm interested in are swarthed in honey and I'm not going to rehash the same shit as everyone is doing.

Which makes me wonder what I can do. Ponder... I'd do naked women and such, but that's too close to pron. Although that would be a great topic. Heh.
Oh well I'll figure something out.

cya laterz

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