Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I gonna do it. This short story contest. Dunno what I'm going to write. Don't even have a clue, but maybe it will get me to write again. I mean seriously write. Or at least for a week or so. Wizards, war, witches, or wildsex? What should be my topic/plot? I dunno. Since I got the wild hair up my ass about five minutes ago I suppose ome thought would be in order.

Otherwise things aer pretty drab around here. Not enough sex, not enough money and to add to the cliche' not enough beer(video games). Not like I drink beer that much, but I have to appear normal even if I'm not. If not, I could be sent to a geek rehab hospital. "Hello my name is Bob and I'm a geek."

A small echo of response from the other geeks, "Hello Bob."
I'm not just a member, I'm the president!

Okay so I'm probably not that much of a geek. I do occasionally talk to a member of the opposite sex. There are times when I travel outside. I play basketball at noon. And many other non-geekie things. But I'm not a stud. I wonder what life would have been like if I was a stud. You know. A man's man. Lets say I worked on cars, fixed up the house, and had a few beers at the local pub every Friday night with 'the guys". Made sure I was main streamed, didn't get hyper over 'Lord of the Rings', Far Side comics and didn't read a book a week or so. Hell I don't even know what a typical guy really thinks and is. I mean I think about sex all the time so I guess that would be part of it, but what would happen if I didn't have the geekie stuff in my life? I know I'd probably drink a lot more and it would have to be a particular brand of beer. Would I smoke? I dobut that... Now how the hell did I get here when I started off about a silly writing contest that don't mean a hill of beans to many people?

Until next time...

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