Tuesday, September 06, 2005

In recent days, I've had that spark to regain my former passion. I'm not sure why. Maybe it was that voice from the past that snuck up on me and planted the illusionary seeds into my brain.

My problem is I don't know where to begin. What should I write about? It isn't that I don't have the imagination to write something, but what do I want to 'say'. The horrid truth about good or great writing is that the story must say something when someone has finished reading it. I've often wrote many short stories, but in reality most of my best work has been done as scenes. This isn't a revalation to me, I've always known this and I believe it has been a major stumbling block to doing something that I would like to do.

Even here I'm writing this just so I can get in the practice of coming up with sentences again. It isn't taking a lot of thought, but it is constructing words together.

'What do I want to say." I need to find a truth that I can grind into a plot. At this point in time it doesn't matter what type of fiction it is as long as it is something I can believe in. The thread of life that will carry my story not in action, but in deed. This thread no matter how thin needs to be there so I feel whoever reads it will come away with a reason of why they wanted to read my book.

That's all I have to do....no problem there.

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