Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Feeding the masses styrofoam. That would make a good title for something, eh? I've been putzing around work today because it is slow. I suspect in the next week or so I will have a great influx of work to do so I am pacing myself. lol. Nah I'll get back to it as soon as I'm done tweaking my thoughts out on this. I can't believe it is already Jan 14th, the month is half over. Where does all the time go?

Last night, I felt at peace with my son. He came home after basketball practice and unloaded everything that he did in school, without too much prompting from me. It was nice to hear and see that he is becoming comfortable with me. We talk about everything and I let him know pretty much what is going on in my life. I want him to see and hear the difficulties and triumphs I go through so life isn't a wake-up call when he turns 18 in a few years. Otherwise I want him to have fun and do things while he is still a kid. He will have plenty of time to toil and strive after school, but I still think he needs a part-time job.

I wrote a poem last night and decided to scrap it into the garbage can. It felt forced and when I force something it never has the impact I'm looking for. The best things seem to be when they tumble from my pen like blue drops of rain to the paper. They speak for themselves and I only have to guide them in the correct order. I've had trouble writing the past few days. I've been consumed with 'things'. Sometimes I wish someone else could worry about everything and I could concentrate on what I want to do. Heh. I guess I'm not 16 anymore so that thought won't ever happen.


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