Friday, February 13, 2004

I've come to a realization that my blog isn't very popular on the net. Of course I'm not linked from many sites/blogs out on the net, but then again I don't have a ton of links from my page either. This might mean something, but I'm not sure what at this time. In reality it doesn't really matter since this is all shit that goes in on my mind which usually only has to deal with my neurotic tendenacies about my ability to write or in most cases not write.

Maybe I should spew hard Right or Left wing politic views and get people in an uproar about Gay Marriages or who did something about weapons found or not found in Iraq. Nah. That really isn't in me to do. Then I'd have to pay attention to the news. There are too many other things in life to waste time on than that. Wasting time. Well I guess I wouldn't consider much of what I've been doing lately as wasting time. But then again other than some work getting accomplished I also don't see a lot of progress on some of the things I wanted to have completed.

Have you ever read laurellkhamilton books? I've read all of the Anita Blake series and the last book is the best of all. Sometimes the descriptions of things are over the top (espicially clothes, but I'm not gonna go there), but Narcissus in Chains is a wonderful book. I admit this book is filled with violence, lust and sheer imagination. Since I've read the first nine books I must have enjoyed something about them. For the first time in the series she seems to have let the characters do what you think they should have been doing long ago. This means more sexual contact. Not that I have to read something with a lot of sexual overtones (or blantant sex), but it gives the story an edge espicially when they are vampires and they feed off lust like they do blood. She has another series as well that I've started (the first two books), but she only has three books out so far.

I shoudl go to sleep. I haven't slept well in the past few weeks. It has been a combination of sore legs, half-awake dreams and wishing I held my Valentine in my arms. That day will come I know. Patience she tells me.


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