Tuesday, February 10, 2004

I've been trying to rediscover my writing ability again. I'm like the Muslums taking my yearly journey to Mecca. Not that I know much about this spiritual walk, but I know I return to this habit of mine quite a bit. I have to reaffirm to myself that yes I can write and yes I must try and succeed at it. It is a daunting task for me. I'm not quite sure why it is. During these funks I reread many of the writing books I have collected over the years to remotivate me.

It is different these days. I'm not wallowing in my own self doubt. This time I've reread some of my work. The poetry, of course I stay away from because when I read some of it I wonder why I tried to be so cryptic. But that is for another discussion. What I do know is that I can write a reasonable story I can enjoy. Take in point The NightClub. Although written with a heavy sexual tone, I find a lot of the elements of a good story. I know some of you will roll your eyes at that last comment, but I don't believe I'm in Hemmingway's company, but I think I did a decent job on it. And I surprised myself along the way.

I'd also like to point out that I'm writing. I think I'm onto something special, but I have to remind myself that I can pull this off. I get these ideas in my head that can span a lot of things and I'm afraid I can't pull it off. I can only write one word at a time and see if I can do it.


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