Tuesday, October 07, 2003

I had this neat idea for a links picture, but I can't post pictures from other addresses here because I'm not a paying member so my idea went down in flames.

Funny Jen! :P (See previous comments)

It was so funny I had to add your link to my page. That way when people get bored with my drivel they can go check out those special things you have to say. *grin*

I started really writing last night. Did you hear the moon crack or the feel the cool air of hell? I'm scared to reread it, but I'm in a frame of mind that if I build it, they will come. (See obscure movie reference #4)

I'm thinking I'll get in my car and live as a drifter on the Mexican border. That would make some interesting story fodder huh?

I'll check back later...


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