Saturday, December 28, 2002

She twirled through the crowds with a smattering of rose petals tossed in her long blonde hair; a crown of wedding blessings the Elves had dubbed it. A small flock of halflings followed in her wake as the music surged to overtake the noise of the crowd. On the edge of the clearing I stood with a gentle giant and watched the proceedings. To a casual observer, this large man’s eyes surveyed the wedding commotion as a whole, but I knew he focused on the young lady who danced on her wedding day. Tears dampened his view and a quick wink dismissed them to the ground. I saw them fall and he knew I did, but he stood as a granite statue fixated on the events before him.

The start...I don't know about 30k of words, but it is a start.
Written in first person by Gnorman. I like it so far (see quote #10).


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