Friday, December 13, 2002

It seems I've walked into a hornets nest. This means I will get stung, because I've never been able to stay clear of the hornets and they always seem to find me. I'm resigned to it, so I fear little these days. Maybe that is the definition of maturity. I found a forum for writers like me and have agreed to write at least 7000 words a week. boy that is a lot more than I'm doing right now. But that's good right? The point is to shut up and 'just do it'. I scanned the web looking for quotes about writing and many of them (from famous published writers) seem to be shut up and write. Get the story down without worrying about crap. That is what the rewriting is for. I'm trying to take it to heart. Might even put a web page on my site to follow my word count for the week, month and year (along with other members of the forum).


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