Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sex streak

One thing I was wondering is the longest consecutive streak of continuous days of having sex. Of course there would have to be some stipulations, because sex is such an ambiguous term. I'm defining it as intercourse because it requires the most physical toils on both the man on the woman. Oral sex is usually one-sided. While masturbation is well, usually with yourself (although it can be fun...but that's a different topic).

I think 8 days in a row is my record, but I'm not sure. There was once this time with this woman (yes I remember her name, but not the exact details), where we had gobs of sex, but I'm not sure if it was everyday. I guess I should also add that the sex has to be with the same person. I mean...ew gross...if it was multiple partners over a long stretch.

Since most women get their visitor every 28 days or so, I would think that would be their limit. The women I've known that period of time is off-limits. (Excuse the bad pun.) Would anyone, especially a woman want to have sex that often? Would that make them a sex-fiend? And what would anybody say if you counted the number of times during that time? So if someone had sex twice or thrice a day for two weeks straight. Is that even possible? And if so, where is she? Heh.

On average though I bet couples have it once a week, less possibly if you have young kids. Sometimes life makes it so you just can't get wild and nekkid any time you want. Which is a damn shame.

I doubt anyone will share, but it would be interesting to know what is your longest active sex streak?

And btw Kat, any man would be lucky to even know you let alone be able to share your life. If they don't it is their fault not yours! Box of rocks....silly girl!

cya laterz


Anonymous said...

I'd share, but you don't really care. :) I bet you'd be impressed though. *grin* I'm hard to keep up with.

Would you please email me? *puppy eyes* Still I know you're busy, but we've managed to keep in touch since the EQ days...well, until recently and I just comment on your blog to let you know I still read.

Hope everything is going great. :)

Anonymous said... DO know I'm still out here! Thanks for the comment - It made me smile on this very yucky morning (i'm down with a horrible cold...YUK)

My longest streak??? the risk of bragging.....there was this one insatiable time in my life where I just couldn't get enough. I'm gonna estimate having sex every day for about a month and a half. (at that time of my life, my "visitor" was just an inconvenient obstacle to get around.)