Thursday, May 25, 2006

A hot night...

Clinging to your slim body, you decided to wear my favorite t-shirt, its nice and tight and ends at your belly button. The summer's humid air presses against your breasts outlining your perky nipples. You've also selected a pair of bikini silk panties which leaves little to the imagination as they are tight against your pussy showing a hint of your lips that I can't wait to run my finger slowly across.

The whirl of a fan blows a cool mist of air across you as you lay on the bed. A faint hint of lavender tickles your nose as you settle back into the pillow waiting for me to enter the room.

When the light clicks off, my silhouette appears at the end of the bed casting me in a mysterious dark glow. The moonlight casts a frame around your body and you hear a sigh of pleasure escape from me. I hover over you, but I don't touch you, yet the heat of my body so close drives you mad. You open your mouth to speak, but I press my index finger against your lips. Then I place a fuzzy blindfold over your eyes.

Your whimper makes me smile. You hear me stifle a note of mischief and then only the whirl of the fan is audible. In the darkest of night you lay waiting. Listening for anything that might give you a clue of what I am up to, but not even the sound of my breath is heard. It seems that you are all alone.

A cool sensation brushes against your thigh. A shiver runs through your body. The chill crawls up your leg, past your waist and trims the edge of your panties until it does a small slow circle around your navel. The cold and watery trek of the ice cube makes you wet. You scream both in shock and pleasure. Without warning it stops, but in a moment, you feel the gentle cool splash of the ice dripping on the tips of your right nipple through your shirt.

What more can you stand...

Heh...leave me alone for a bit and see what happens!

cya laters

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Save the Internet!

I'm not one for posting political action, but if we don't do something soon we could lose the Internet as we know it. Not only that, but making personal copies of your cd's, dvd's or any other copyrighted or uncopyrighted material. The RIAA (recording industry) has said that taking a cd and ripping to your computer as MP3's and copying them to your iPod or any other mp3 player it is against the law. Which means you could go to ten...yes up to TEN years to prision.

The article today has many artists such as Moby against this bill because they want to destroy how the internet operates. There is an election coming up this fall, goto this site. They are voting because the RIAA are giving them money to vote for this stupid bill.

I'm not suggesting that we pirate software, but they want us to buy a copy of the song EVERYPLACE you put it. Or the DVD you bought, you thought you owned the movie? Nope. The RIAA says you bought the rights to view the movie. If you have small kids in the house and want to make a backup. You can't with this bill.

Please write your congressman and let other people know about this hideous practice. If you go to the site, enter in your information and it will help you forward the message to the correct congressman in your district.

Even if you don't think this is a big deal. Think about trying to add a website for your business or hobby. Part of the bill will allow the bigger companies (phone, communications) to squeeze out the independant developers or web hobbyist from having web space unless they pay a fee for people to visit their site. This bill has far reaching implications, lets get it voted down. Now.

Again it's:
cya laterz

Monday, May 15, 2006

Something I puttered with...

Imaginations aren’t for the common folk. He could hear his momma’s voice, “Best be leaving those thoughts be boy. You ain’t got no use for them.” He supposed she was right. No sense getting worked up about something that will never happen anyways. What did it matter if his mind painted pictures of the city, the lords, the knights and hinted at the touch of magic.

“There’s no such things as wizards, Johnny.” Even his best pal Frankie wouldn’t even join along with his adventures. Still Frankie had the same taste for going to the city and exploring all the fantastic sights they heard almost on a nightly basis outside the window of the “Splattered Pig”.

Of course if his parents knew he kept late nights poking around the tavern, he wouldn’t be able to sit for a week and it was sure as the grass grew he end up with more chores. Getting close to the Pig became the easy task, getting in and out of their houses took all of their sneaky attributes they could muster.

Stories tumbled out of people’s mouths like the ale from the tap of kegs. Johnny believed every word strangers would recite to the townsfolk who had nothing better to do in the evenings than enjoy a few pints of the hometown brewed ale. Frankie on the other hand often dismissed them as fables. “Why would them come so far to be spreading tales?”

Frankie’s stare left no doubt that the older boy knew what he was talking about. His responses sounded like they came from his momma’s mouth. “So me and your pa would buy them more drinks.”

With a shake of his head, Johnny would lean his head back against the wall and wait for the next story to begin. Swords and sorcery. Knights with large white chargers bearing down on wanted criminals, while mages kept the castle safe with unknown spells that could turn anyone into a frog if they breeched the walls, these men come from town to town and the stories are the same. They may have different names, but the results are the same and some horrible thief or outlaw from a distant kingdom would be served the King’s justice in some spectacular way.

Frankie leaned in and whispered, "I known it would be fun to go. We should save our coppers and go before the snows come." Frankie smiled.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


I've finished my lunch and I'm wiping the remenants of Cheetos off the ends of my fingers. I'm reminded about the old joke about masterbation and Cheetos and having a orange penis. That got me to thinking, there are many flavored gels on the market to enhance the oral experience. : Cherry, Strawberry and etc. If your lover really enjoyed the taste of Cheetos wouldn't that be a nice little surprise for her?

Of course if start looking at this logically it doesn't make sense. I mean you'd have to consider time , amount and other types of factors to make it worthwhile for both.

Think about it though....

You get underdressed and before her is an orange member staring at her. "Look honey! It now comes in flavors." Cheese, BBQ, Sour Cream and Onion...okay so maybe not Sour Cream and Onion.

Or maybe I should keep these thoughts to myself?

cya laterz

Saturday, May 06, 2006


Round and round it goes where life stops nobody knows...
There is a frustration in my life that I can't seem to hang onto people. I think I twirl around going from one thing to the next and unless you are caught in my gravitational forcefield, you bounce off my atmosphere and continue your way in space. Sometimes the sun will pull you back and there is a brief mingle of pulls, but unless you crash into me. You pass on again.

I believe its my disposition in life and how I feel about myself. Don't cringe I'm not going to get all weepy. I'm only doing some self analysis so I can improve. My improvement of course depends on the perspective of who is reading/writing this.

It bothers me that I can't hold onto relationships very well. Often times than not, I enjoy my own company over many people I know. There have been a couple of people in my life where that hasn't been the case (I can think of two.). Since I'm over forty years old, I sense that this a problem. I have a hard time having casual friends.

I think this hurts me in my giiiiirl relationships. I'm pretty much 0 to 60 in a heartbeat and then keep the pedal to the metal until it explodes because I want more. Usually there isn't more to give and then I 'feel' hurt. These conditions I'm pretty much sure destroyed the one person in life I knew I could share it with in whole, but my patience and understanding could not be trained to realize that while I thought I was pushing hard to control things, I had actually lost control. This of course left me without the perfect someone.

When I mean perfect, I don't mean we agreed on everything and life sparkled every second of the day. Perfect meant that I saw her beyond a woman, mom and partner. We could share a laugh, music and the gentle breeze. It meant that I would have rather been with her than anyone else in my life. She became my best friend. And I [metamorphically] strangled the life out of our relationship until she became so emotionally overloaded that she didn't want to be around me and I felt I had to drag anytype of emotion out of her to 'progress' to the next level.

A real relationship between two people starts off as friends and then you get this hint that it could be something more because you really enjoy being with that person. I've come to realize the process of real love is like incabating an egg and letting it sit under the warmth of friendship. And then the sex I presume would be terrific because you gave yourself and the other person to fully experience your full essence of not only what you are, but what you've become to each other.

I love sex. Like most men, I go crazy when I don't get it and then it becomes an obsession that I want to pursue. Damn. I'd rather go through all the emotions of a woman who I call as friend who will laugh and cry with me. Of that I miss the most, because society has allowed sex to become too easy. The hard part is being able to hold someone hard enough so they know you love them, but not so hard you strangle them. I hope someday I will learn how to do that.

cya laterz

Friday, May 05, 2006

My Creative Vision 20/200

Something inside of me wants to burst out and no I haven't been impregnanted by an Alien! I've pretty much OD'd on Oblivion for the past couple of weeks, World of Warcraft has lost its thrill and now I'm staring at my PC and 360 wondering what to do now.

Have you seen the Lynchland video podcasts? That guys has an active imagination! I find him not only amusing, but makes me want to be ambitious and do something unique. Right now I'm watching episode 7. He is doing a thing about the three pigs. The wolf is halarious! Oh the Foo Fighter's lead singer...

Well check his Videocast out! I suggest watching the episode one first to get the 'feel' for it. It won't be for everyone.

But still my creative side gently weeps....

cya laterz