Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Work is crushing me. Although I did go see the lawyer to start the incorporation process. I guess I could have done it myself, but the lawyer seems like a heck of a guy and isn't charging me so much I have to worry about how I'm going to pay bills next month.

How busy am I? I'm working on my current project. They want another project in April. I have a proposal due by the end of the week for another company. It looks to be about an 800 hour project. I was called today by Kraft to write a small program (a 3 day affair or so). I have an upcoming meeting with a company to handle their customizing for Solid Works as well as doing support work. And the guy that is helping me with Greenheck has a company that might want us to do some work on a project this summer. Just a few irons in the pot. Not to mention some erronous reports from people that tell me they will keep me in mind if they need me.

I've been told to stop piddling around and get writing. I wish I was piddling, but my mind gets so fried after a day of programming and writing technical documents that it is hard to get into the stream of writing. Maybe I should try writing at the beginning of the day. I've never really tried writing in the morning, but I guess that might help.

I bought a FoxTrot graphic novel. Its becoming one of my all-time favorite comics. I can really relate to almost all of it. I get a giggle a two from almost every page.


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