Monday, October 22, 2007


Life has been hell these past few months.
I've been working steady 60 hour weeks since Labor Day. Two weeks ago I had to scramble around for some Packers (Football tickets) for my son and I to attend a game. And then this past weekend I had to get the house ready for a going to Iraq party for him. That meant repainting most of the house and steam cleaning the floors.

It was all worth it. About 25-30 people showed to send him off. He deploys at the end of next month. Its strange to see my grown son going through all of this stuff. It uses to be that many of his memories I shared with him. Since he has been in the Army for the past year and a bit, he has so many experiences I can't really relate too since I've never been in that situation.

Its weird how they get older how much they are the same child you've always known, but they are growing into their own selves even more so as they venture into this huge world.

All of this has eaten up most of my life. I still carry the same issues: Not enough sex...need more sex...want more sex...and I sometimes just want to fuck. But those are standard issues you've all read before. I think I'm a bit crazy in that department. I was thinking about this the other day about how the simplest of things can really turn me on. I often wonder if it is as common with other men.

The way a woman smells can really drive me wild. Not just perfume, but the usual scent they prefer. I believe researchers relate it back to memory, but damn it gets me wild. I love the softness of a woman's skin. Its almost like silk. My hand can brush up against her arm or leg and I've gone from 0 to 60 in the amount of time my hand starts touching until my brain realizes how soft she is. Sometimes its the way she says my name or the glint in her eyes. And as I've been reminded by many, a small breeze from the south can get me going. I guess it doesn't take me much.
