Saturday, June 03, 2006


I guess I didn't offend anyone with my last post. I'm always concerned about putting those kind of stories on here since it is a public blog. But I'm sure I've only have about 3-4 readers from time to time so I guess it isn't as public as I think it is. I wonder if there is a way to track traffic. Heh, maybe its a good idea not too.

I created a list of goals to achieve by August 12th; my ungodly birthdate.

1. Lose more weight. I've gotten up the last few days earlier and I'm going to the gym twice a day. I'm also trying to eat better things, but that is hard to do sometimes. I think that is a matter of sticking to my goal.

2. Unleash my creativity. I'd like to have some sort of creative project completed in this time. It might be a short story, a podcast or videocast of some sort. I suspect it would be in the form of a short story, but I've thought of many ideas over the past couple of weeks making some type of media thing.

3. Learn to play two songs reasonably well on my guitar. I've started and stopped doing this so many times over the past couple of years, but it is something I really want to do. I need to practice a few minutes everyday so it becomes a habit (just like the extra extercise.)

4. Relationships. I'm not even sure how to explain how to do a better job of this, but I want to work on it. I might even find someone...(the sound you heard was me laughing).

cya laterz